30th Annual Mission Benefit Concert
Sunday, May 19, Reveille’s sanctuary
Doors open at 6:40 pm, Concert begins at 7:00 pm
The Chancel Choir will collaborate with local orchestral musicians and soprano soloist Margaret Woods to perform Psalm 42 by Felix Mendelssohn. The concert doors open at 6:40 pm and the concert will begin at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary on Sunday, May 19. The concert length is approximately 80 minutes, including a 10-minute intermission.
Other music featured includes Coronation Anthem 4 (G.F. Handel), “Rejoice in the Lamb” (Benjamin Britten), and Handbell selections by the Reveille Ringers.
This concert is free and open to everyone, so please invite your friends. Concert proceeds benefit The Pace Center at VCU (details below).
A recording of the concert will be available after the performance upon request.
View the 30th Annual Mission Benefit Concert program.
Concert Beneficiary: The Pace Center at VCU
Reveille’s support of The Pace Center continues to grow as part of our initiative to be a hub of faith, hope, and action in our local community and beyond. By committing to Pace as our beneficiary for the 2024 Mission Benefit Concert, we are further living into that investment this spring. We are also hoping to build connections with VCU students through this partnership.
The Pace Center is VCU’s United Methodist campus ministry. Pace equips and empowers students to be servant leaders who build diverse community by lifting up the gifts of all. Each semester, over 1,000 students use their gifts to create student-led programs such as Stories & Lunch (a communal meal), Crochet Club, food pantry volunteering, and Bible study. Reveille supports Pace through funding and volunteers. Volunteers participate in a number of ways including making homemade meals for student events and mentoring students interested in their professional fields. Donate now