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Worship on Sunday, May 5

At 11:00 am, we will have Children’s Sunday at the musical Moses and the Freedom Fanatics. At 8:30 and 9:30 am, we will explore how we are yoked with Jesus, we do what he did, we love as he loved, and in doing so, in obedience, we find his power and presence. As a result, we can love one another, find his joy, and multiply the fruit of the vine.

Midweek Communion Group meets second Wednesdays at 12:45 pm

You are invited to this monthly gathering on second Wednesdays, 12:45-1:30 pm, in the welcome center. We will come together for fellowship, read scripture, pray, and share communion with one another. For more information, contact Rev. Stephen Coleman.

In-person Worship Services

Regular Schedule
8:30 am (chapel)
9:30 am The Point (fellowship hall)
11:00 am (sanctuary/livestream)

Livestream Worship Service

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anytime after they air

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On the go? Listen to the podcast of our Sunday worship service on various platforms.