Church Council


Reveille’s leadership is structured for alignment with the church’s vision and operational efficiency. To learn more about our church’s structure, click here.


Reveille’s Church Council provides guidance to the ministry and administrative committees of the church. The Council focuses on long-range strategic planning and maintaining accountability to Reveille’s vision of welcoming all people to follow Jesus Christ and serve together as a hub of faith, hope, and action. The Council meets on the fourth Tuesday every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November).

2024 Church Council
Council Chair & Lay Leader | Tom Cantone
Welcome & Inclusion Team Chair | Abby Baker
Discipleship Team Chair | Dwight Buelow
Hub Team Chair | Tim Black
Worship Team Chair | Mel Ely
Trustees Chair | David Simonsen
Staff Relations & Finance Chair | Marshall Ross
At Large | Kay Craven
At Large | Kim Cronheim
At Large | Steve Holdych
At Large | Laura Lay
At Large | Open
Lead Pastor | Pete Moon


The Nominations and Leadership Development Committee recommends the appointment of Church Council members. This committee also recommends church members for leadership positions and administrative committees. Most leadership positions are for a three-year term. The committee also provides orientation, training, and support to church leaders.

2024 Nominations Committee
Lead Pastor Pete Moon (Chair)
Bo Bowden
Boyd Bullock
Rick Farmer
Anita Fluker
Claire Kelley
Carol Kern
Al Lockerman
Susan Paullin
Kathy Rainey
Tom Cantone (Church Council Chair & Lay Leader)


The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing, maintaining, and supervising all church property and investments. The Trustees meet monthly on the third Thursday.

2024 Board of Trustees
David Simonsen (Chair)
Ted Cox
Kim Daniel
Pat Hackler
R.C. Hall
Chris Jobe
E.G. Miller
Suzanne Nyfeler
Danielle Roberts
Jim Overacre, Trustee Emeritus


The Staff Relations & Finance Committee (SRFC) focuses on effective and efficient operations of the church for financial and personnel matters. SRFC on the fourth Tuesday every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December).

2024 SRFC
Marshall Ross (Chair)
Susan Bullock
Abbie Ceneviva
Susan Collett
Craig Cronheim
Mary Peters
Andy Poarch
Eric Struble
Joe Thornton
Tom Cantone (Church Council Chair & Lay Leader)
E.G. Miller (Treasurer)
Pete Moon (Lead Pastor)