Swansboro Community Ministries



Partner Church Joint Study on Prison Justice, March 26 and April 2
You are invited to the Partner Church Joint study on Prison Justice on Wednesday, March 26 and April 2, 5:30-7:15 pm, in the fellowship hall. On March 26, Rev. Rodney Hunter will talk about criminal justice reform and the impact mass incarceration has had on people of color. On April 2, Pastor Jay Scruggs will share his experience with the prison system, focusing on the impact prison ministry had on him and how the church can address the impact of mass incarceration and offer support. Each evening will begin with dinner at 5:30, followed by the program at 6:15 pm. Sign up to attend.


In 2023, Koinonia Community Church, Love Center of Unity, and Reveille celebrated their 10-year partnership in the Richmond community of Swansboro. Visit our Partner Churches history page to see oral history interviews with pastors and key leaders in this partnership, along with an article featuring the history of the churches and how their partnership came to fruition. Additionally, there is a timeline chronicling the ministries of this partnership over the last decade.


Reveille is building strong, vital partnerships in the Swansboro community, working with Swansboro Elementary School, Koinonia Community Church, and Love Center of Unity. Reveille, Koinonia, and LCU have joint ministries focused on worship, study, prayer, and fellowship, as well as a police reform taskforce. At Swansboro Elementary, Reveille provides support for the after-school program, classroom helpers, mentors, and other support for at-risk students. Reveille also provides Westview on the James camperships to Swansboro children.


Reveille is proud to be a sponsor of Community in Schools Richmond. Since 2017, Reveille has provided annual financial support to make possible a full-time CIS coordinator at Swansboro Elementary School in addition to countless hours of volunteer support from our members.

Kimberly Greenshields, CIS Site Coordinator for Swansboro Elementary

My name is Kimberly Greenshields and I am the site coordinator with Communities in Schools at Swansboro Elementary School. I was born and raised in Richmond and grew up in the West End. I attended Freeman High School and once I graduated I went to VCU. After I received my undergraduate degree I returned to VCU for a master’s in social work. During this program, I interned with CIS at Fairfield Court Elementary and loved my time there. Since completing my master’s program, I have worked with CIS at the middle school level. I also moved to New York City for a short time and worked in the foster care system. Richmond will always be home though so it has been wonderful to be back! I’m so glad to have the opportunity to work with Swansboro Elementary School in partnership with Reveille and I am really enjoying this school year.

Potential Opportunities to Volunteer at Swansboro Elementary

  • Serve as a classroom helper
  • Tutor one or more students as directed by the classroom teacher
  • Mentor students
  • Help with school-wide events such as Fall Festival
  • Offer to serve as a chaperone on a field trip
  • Work as a library assistant
  • Read to students on Read Across America Day
  • Assist with set-up of refreshments for parent engagement morning meetings
  • Assist with Marvelous Mondays after school
  • Serve as a Reading Buddy after school

Thank you to all our volunteers for the tremendous support you provide for Swansboro students and teachers. The need is great and additional volunteers are always welcome. Contact our Swansboro Elementary School ministry co-champions for more information, Carol Hampton and Linda Gill.


Reveille’s involvement in the Swansboro community extends beyond the elementary school. Over the last several years, Reveille has built strong relationships with the members of our two partner churches in the community, Koinonia Community Church and Love Center of Unity. In partnership with these churches, the school, and CIS, we are building relationships and helping to change lives. This vibrant outreach program demonstrates Reveille’s commitment to service in a way that helps attract new members to Reveille and engage them in transformative ministry.

Five committees were formed with members from Reveille, Koinonia Community Church and Love Center of Unity:

  • Worship – plans one or two joint worship services each year
  • Joint Studies – plans an annual study series and other events
  • Fellowship – plans two joint fellowship events each year
  • Police Taskforce – advocates for improved policies and relationships between police and the communities they serve
  • Prayer – creates prayer partners between the churches and holds several prayer events throughout the year

For more information about getting involved with the committees, please contact Jill Gaynor.


Each year, Reveille helps send 25 Swansboro Elementary School students to summer camp for a week at Westview on the James. Children are selected by their school to receive a campership based on financial need. Reveille volunteers help children prepare for the experience and provide transportation to and from camp. Help also is needed in meeting with the families to complete paperwork and shop for camp supplies.