Opportunities to Connect, Serve, and Grow
Reveille has so many great opportunities to get involved, from classes and music programs, to helping our neighbors, to serving within the church, and more! Thank you for deciding to connect with us! You can see links to sign up for all of our opportunities below. Join us for worship each Sunday at 8:30 am (chapel), 9:30 am (fellowship hall), or 11:00 am (sanctuary and livestream).
- Sign up for our weekly emails
- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
- Contact a staff member
Sermon Series “All Things New!”
Join us to explore the theme of “newness” and the Christian life on Sundays in worship, January 12-26. The series begins with baptism and concludes with our guest preacher, Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson.
Gun Violence Prevention Group, January 22
Join in helping to remember those in our area who have lost their lives due to gun violence and create a viable community outreach program on gun violence prevention. All are welcome at the next Gun Violence Prevention Group meeting on Wednesday, January 22, at 7:00 pm in the welcome center. For more information, contact Jim Tucker.
Bishop Haupert-Johnson and State of the Church, January 26
We will welcome Virginia Conference Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson as our guest preacher at the 8:30 and 11:00 am services on Sunday, January 26. At 9:30 am, come to our annual State of the Church gathering in the fellowship hall to learn about Reveille’s finance and attendance trends and plans for 2025, plus Bishop Sue will speak about the state of the UMC. You will also have the chance to ask questions and there will be plenty of coffee and doughnuts!
“Good News” Program on Exercise, Living Well, and Disease Prevention, January 28
You are invited to a panel discussion and reception celebrating good news in cancer research and prevention, along with information on exercise and living well on Tuesday, January 28, at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. This program will be presented by VCU Health, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sports Backers, and Reveille. RSVP to attend
Jonah and Jesus Sermon Series, February 2-23
This new sermon series will explain the remarkable ways that the book of Jonah points to the person and work of Jesus. Join us on Sundays at 8:30 am (chapel), 9:30 am (fellowship hall), and 11:00 am (sanctuary, livestream).
Donate to the Swansboro Food Drive, February 9-March 9
The winter months are a critical time for food pantries and supplies often run low. Please help restock the Koinonia Community Church pantry by bringing in non-perishable food items. These can be placed on the shelves inside or the bins outside of the welcome center, February 9-March 9.
Women’s Book Group, February 13
Start reading The Women: A Novel by Kristin Hannah and join the group for a discussion of the book on Thursday, February 13, at 1:00 pm on Zoom or in the church parlor. For details, visit www.reveilleumc.org/bookgroup.
Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating, begins February 23
This four-week study of Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating by Norman Wirzba will explore the spiritual significance of food and its role in connecting us to God, creation, and one another. We will consider how our faith can inspire a more joyful relationship with food. The class will be led by Matt Gooch on Sundays, February 23-March 16, 4:00-5:30 pm, in the church parlor. Register for the class
Register for the Journey to Healing Conference, March 1
Make plans to attend the Racial Justice Network’s Journey to Healing Conference on Saturday, March 1, 10:00 am-4:00 pm, at Belmont UMC in Richmond. The conference will include worship, a session on cross-racial relationships, conversations with those working on racial justice, and how churches can work together. Rev. Bayo Ogungbade and Jill Gaynor will speak at the event. The cost is $20 per person. Register to attend at www.bit.ly/jthconf. For more information, email Jill Gaynor.
Partner Church Joint Study on Prison Justice, March 26 and April 2
You are invited to the Partner Church Joint Study on Prison Justice on Wednesday, March 26, and April 2, 5:30-7:15 pm, in the fellowship hall. On March 26, Rev. Rodney Hunter will talk about criminal justice reform and mass incarceration’s impact on people of color. On April 2, Pastor Jay Scruggs will share his experience with the prison system, focusing on the influence of prison ministry and how the church can address the consequences of mass incarceration and offer support. Each evening will begin with dinner at 5:30, followed by the program at 6:15 pm. To sign up, scan this QR code or visit www.bit.ly/prison-justice2025.
Join Reveille’s Massey Challenge Team, April 12
The Monument Avenue 10k takes place on Saturday, April 12, and we invite you to join Reveille’s Massey Challenge Moving with the Spirit Team! The team is open to everyone, not just race participants, and funds raised will support cancer research at VCU Massey Cancer Center. All team participants will also be invited to a fun porch party on race day! Get details and sign up.
Fellowship Club Museum of the Bible Trip, April 30
Come and explore this impressive museum that documents the narrative, history, and impact of the Bible with Reveille’s Fellowship Club. On Wednesday, April 30, registered attendees will depart on a charter bus for a full-day trip to visit the museum in Washington, D.C. The trip includes round-trip transportation, museum admission and tour, lunch, refreshments, taxes, and gratuity. The cost of the trip is $130 per person. Space is limited, so reserve your spot at www.reveilleumc.org/fellowship-club.
Mondays: Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Start your week off with breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and devotions. Men of all ages are invited to be part of the group which meets in the fellowship hall, 7:00-8:00 am, every Monday. For more information, contact Jim Tucker.
Join Our Walking Group Wednesdays
Our weekly walking group meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am in the rear parking lot to enjoy fellowship while walking through the community around Reveille. It’s a great way to start a fitness routine! To join the group, contact Rev. Stephen Coleman.
Reach out to one of our staff members to help in a specific ministry area.
8:15 am Child care (room 102)
8:30 am Worship (chapel)
9:30 am State of the Church (fellowship hall)
11:00 am Worship (sanctuary, livestream)
11:15 am Children’s Time (room 102)
The Point will not meet at 9:30 am on Jan 26
Youth Sunday School
Grades 6-12 (attending State of the Church, fellowship hall)
Adult Sunday School
All classes will attend State of the Church (fellowship hall)
Children’s Sunday School
All children should be checked in at room 106
Ages 3-4 (room 106)
Grades K-2 (room 203)
Grades 3-5 (room 202)
4:00-6:30 pm Child care (room 102)
Children and Youth Check-In (sanctuary hallway)
Cherub (age 4-5 years)
4:00 pm Kid’s Connection (room 106)
4:30 pm Playtime (room 106)
4:45 pm Dinner (fellowship hall)
5:15 pm Choir (chapel)
5:45 pm Storytime (room 106)
Primary (Grades K-2)
4:00 pm Kid’s Connection (202, 203)
4:30 pm Ringers (sanctuary)
5:15 pm Dinner (fellowship hall)
5:45 pm Choir (chapel)
Elementary (Grades 3-5)
4:00 pm Kid’s Connection (202, 203)
4:30 pm Choir (chapel)
5:15 pm Dinner (fellowship hall)
5:45 pm Ringers (sanctuary)
Youth (Grades 6-12)
4:00 pm Youth Handbells (sanctuary)
4:30 pm Youth Choir (choir room)
5:15 pm Youth Dinner (fellowship hall)
5:35 pm Youth Group (youth center)
Adult Studies
4:00 pm The Discipleship Journey (room 105)
4:00 pm Wesleyan Compass (room 108)
4:00 pm Saving Grace (room 206)
4:00 pm Christian Believer (room 207)
4:00 pm Disciple II Fast Track (room 210)