Opportunities to Connect at Reveille

Opportunities to Connect, Serve, and Grow

Reveille has so many great opportunities to get involved, from classes and music programs, to helping our neighbors, to serving within the church, and more! Thank you for deciding to connect with us! You can see links to sign up for all of our opportunities below. Join us for worship each Sunday at 8:30 am (chapel), 9:30 am (fellowship hall), or 11:00 am (sanctuary and livestream).


Prayer Gathering, March 31
On Monday, March 31, at 6:00 pm in the chapel we will host a Prayer Gathering. This will be an informal gathering focused on a time of prayer for our nation, political landscape, and us. All are welcome. For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Peter Moon.

Partner Church Joint Study on Prison Justice, April 2
You are invited to the Partner Church Joint Study on Prison Justice on Wednesday, April 2, 5:30-7:15 pm, in the fellowship hall. Pastor Jay Scruggs will share his experience with the prison system, focusing on the influence of prison ministry and how the church can address the consequences of mass incarceration and offer support. The evening will begin with dinner at 5:30, followed by the program at 6:15 pm. To sign up, scan this QR code or visit www.bit.ly/prison-justice2025.

Book Signing of Amen and Amen Book II, April 6
The adult library will host a book signing of Amen and Amen: Meditations on God’s Word, Book II by Reveille member Patsy Morrissette. Her latest book offers insights into the way Bible study forms faith through reading, meditating, praying, and contemplating in response to the sacred text with concrete application to everyday life. Proceeds from book sales will benefit the Library Memorial Fund. The signing will take place in the adult library (room 108), 9:30 am-12:30 pm, on Sunday, April 6.

Learn About Our Church at Reveille Today, April 6
If you have been discerning membership at Reveille or would like to learn more about our church, we invite you to come to our Reveille Today class. This is a two-hour gathering on Sunday, April 6, 4:00-6:00 pm, in the Reveille House dining room led by Rev. Stephen Coleman. Sign up

Reveille Ringers at Union Presbyterian Seminary, April 7
On Monday, April 7 at 7:30 pm, our Ringers will collaborate with Union Seminary’s Douglas Brown for an evening of handbell and organ music in Watts Chapel. Doug is the Director of Music and Instructor in Church Music at Union. During this Lenten season, you’re invited to join us for an occasion to reflect on – and celebrate – sacred music from several corners of the world. Union Seminary is located at 3401 Brook Road, Richmond.

Help with “Stories and Lunch” at Pace, April 9
Reveille is sponsoring “Stories & Lunch” at The Pace Center on Wednesday, April 9, at 11:45 am. We will provide a taco-themed meal for students and volunteers. The Pace Center offers this weekly ministry gathering during the school year for students to come together for a meal, storytelling, and fellowship. Sign up to help and donate food items

Children’s Easter Celebration, April 12
Bring the kids out for an egg hunt, petting zoo, bounce house, crafts, special treats, and more! The event will take place 11:00 am-1:00 pm on the quad behind Reveille. Learn more information and volunteer at the event.

Join Reveille’s Massey Challenge Team, April 12
The Monument Avenue 10k takes place on Saturday, April 12, and we invite you to join Reveille’s Massey Challenge Moving with the Spirit Team! The team is open to everyone, not just race participants, and funds raised will support cancer research at VCU Massey Cancer Center. Join the team as a donor today and help Massey receive a $5,000 matched donation! All team participants will also be invited to a fun porch party on race day! You do not have to walk or run to participate. For details, visit www.reveilleumc.org/10k.

NC Mission Trip Information Session, April 13
Reveille will partner with Woodlake UMC to send a team of volunteers to Spruce Pine, North Carolina, June 1-7. The team will support a variety of hurricane relief projects in the area. This is a United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) coordinated trip. To learn more about the trip, please sign up for an information session on Sunday, April 13, at 12:15 pm in the Reveille House dining room.

Holy Week

Palm/Passion Sunday and UWF Bake Sale, April 13
Join us for worship at 8:30, 9:30, or 11:00 am, come see the children’s palm procession at 11:00 am. Purchase delicious Easter treats at the United Women in Faith bake sale, 9:00-11:00 am, in the red carpet hallway and welcome center.

Holy Thursday Service, April 17
You are invited to our Holy Thursday service at 7:00 pm in the chapel. Rev. Mandy Young will preach, our CrossPoint ensemble will lead music, and Holy Communion will be offered. Child care for children ages 3 months to 6 years will be available in room 102.

Good Friday Service, April 18
Experience Jesus’ journey to the cross as found in Matthew’s Gospel. The service will be in the manner of Tenebrae, with music led by our Chancel Choir. The service will take place at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary and will also be livestreamed. Child care for children ages 3 months to 6 years will be available in room 102.

Easter Sunday, April 20
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with Holy Communion, triumphant worship music, and an inspirational message of hope. Bring flowers to adorn the cross in front of Reveille.

  • 6:30 am, Easter Sunrise Service with Richmond area United Methodist Churches and the message delivered by Rev. Bayo Ogungbade at Hollywood Cemetery in the Palmer Chapel Mausoleum overlooking the James River. If you’d like to join a group taking Reveille’s bus to the service, please sign up here.
  • 8:15 am, sanctuary
  • 9:30 am, fellowship hall
  • 11:00 am, sanctuary, livestream

Child care for children ages 3 months to 6 years will be available in room 102 for all services except 6:30 am. Sunday school classes and afternoon activities will not meet on Easter.

After Easter

Rehab a Home with Rebuilding Together, April 26
Come join a team of Reveille volunteers and help repair a home for someone in need right here in our Richmond community. Morning, afternoon, and full-day shifts are available. Several helpers are needed and children age 10 and older can help with a parent. Lunch will be provided. Sign up

Fellowship Club Museum of the Bible Trip, April 30
Come and explore this impressive museum that documents the narrative, history, and impact of the Bible with Reveille’s Fellowship Club. On Wednesday, April 30, registered attendees will depart on a charter bus for a full-day trip to visit the museum in Washington, D.C. The trip includes round-trip transportation, museum admission and tour, lunch, refreshments, taxes, and gratuity. The cost of the trip is $130 per person. Space is limited, so reserve your spot.

Kids Camp and Vacation Bible School
Register your children for one of our summer programs at www.reveilleumc.org/camps.
• Kids Camp, June 16-19: Children rising in grades 3-6 are invited to a fun week of daily mission trips, music, crafts, games, and more!
• Vacation Bible School, July 14-17: Children age 4 to rising 2nd grade will enjoy exploring the Bible through fun games, songs, crafts, and more with the theme Road Trip!


Join the Gun Violence Prevention Group, Mondays
Every Monday at 1:00 pm, Reveille’s Gun Violence Prevention Group will gather by the bell located on the grounds outside of the youth center. They will ring the bell and pray for recent victims of gun violence. All are invited to get involved in the group’s efforts. For more information, contact Nancy Shepherd or Jim Tucker.

Mondays: Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Start your week off with breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and devotions. Men of all ages are invited to be part of the group which meets in the fellowship hall, 7:00-8:00 am, every Monday. For more information, contact Jim Tucker.

Join Our Walking Group Wednesdays or Thursdays
Our weekly walking group meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am and Thursday afternoons at 4:00 pm in the rear parking lot to enjoy fellowship while walking through the community around Reveille. It’s a great way to start a fitness routine! To join the group, contact Rev. Stephen Coleman.


Reach out to one of our staff members to help in a specific ministry area.

Children’s Ministries

Youth Ministries

Young Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

Congregational Care

Worship and Music

Outreach and Serving


Worship Services
8:15 am Child care (room 102)
ages 3 months to 6 years
8:30 am Worship (chapel)
9:30 am Coffee Fellowship (welcome center)
9:30 am The Point Service (fellowship hall)
11:00 am Worship (sanctuary, livestream)
11:15 am Children’s Time (room 102)
Children’s Sunday School
All children should be checked in at room 106
Ages 3-4 (room 106)
Grades K-1 (room 203)
Grades 2-5 (room 202)
Youth Sunday School
Grades 6-12 (youth center middle school room)
Adult Sunday School
The Compass (church parlor)
Journey (room 104)
Seek First (room 206)
Growing in Grace (room 207)
Logos (room 209)
Covenant (room 210)
Wesleyan Fellowship (room 211)


Children’s programs will not meet on March 30.

Youth Programs (Grades 6-12)
Modified schedule March 30
5:00 pm Youth Group (off-site, walking to Torchy’s Tacos)
Youth Handbells and Choir will not meet.

Adult Studies
4:00 pm The Discipleship Journey (room 105)
4:00 pm Wesleyan Compass (room 108)
4:00 pm Christian Believer (room 207)
4:00 pm Disciple II Fast Track (room 210)