Whatever Happened to Joy Summer Sermon Series


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Sundays at 8:30 (chapel) and 11:00 am (sanctuary) or online anytime

Summer Sermon Series II: Whatever Happened to Joy?
July 21-August 18

Whatever happened to joy? It is easy to presume that it has been lost to a time of division and angst. And yet, the book of Philippians reminds us that joy is not dependent upon times, seasons, or circumstances. Joy is something innate to the people of God. This sermon series will help us to all to reclaim our joy and to pass it on to our world that sometimes forgets what it looks like.

Sunday, July 21
Sermon Title: “Say It Again!”
Lay Reading: Philippians 1:1-11
Preacher Reading: Philippians 4:4-9
Paul’s encouragement to “rejoice in the Lord always…and say again, “rejoice” invites some deeper reflection on what joy is, what it is not, and how much it is needed in our culture today.

Sunday, July 28
Sermon Title: “Unchained Joy”
Lay Reading: Philippians 1:12-18a
Preacher Reading: Philippians 1:18b-26
It is remarkable to note Paul’s references to “joy” in this reading. They are in the context of him describing his imprisonment and the work of his opponents. In his words, there is a reminder that our joy is not contingent upon circumstance. In addition, joy is available because God is God and despite what our eyes may see, God is still working out his good for those who love him. Finally, Paul offers a reminder that when our center is in Jesus, situations that so easily steal our joy, are assigned to the fringe of our lives, and joy can once again prevail.

Sunday, August 4
Sermon Title: “The Center of Our Joy”
Lay Reading: Philippians 2:1-5
Preacher Reading: Philippians 2:6-11
In this classic reading, Paul invites us, along with the Philippians, to “make (his) joy complete…” We do this by becoming like Jesus. This text reminds us of the servant nature of Jesus, and of his humility. He descended into greatness and invites us to do and be the same. By embracing his example, we find a life that is not only ultimately lifted up to God and God’s glory, but also find a life of peace, joy, and hope because it is a life that ultimately matters and makes a difference in this world and the world to come.

Sunday, August 11
Sermon Title: “Shining Stars or Black Holes?”
Lay Reading: Philippians 2:12-18
Paul offers that intriguing and attractive image for us. He encourages us to “shine among them like stars in the sky…” The “them” is what he calls “a warped and crooked generation…” The sermon will use the contrasting images of shining stars and black holes to encourage us to engage in life “without grumbling or arguing”. We have the opportunity to be people who multiply joy instead of sucking the joy of life dry through complaints and arguments. This will also offer a preview of our fall sermon series.

Sunday, August 18
Sermon Title: “Learning the Secret”
Lay Reading: Philippians 4:10-13
Preacher Reading: Philippians 4:14-23
Our joy is directly related to our level of contentedness. When we are “good” we are not looking for other things to fill and satisfy us. This frees us up to be people of joy in all circumstances. Paul says he has learned the secret of being content and that in Jesus he can do all things. This contentedness also extends to our stewardship and Paul addresses it. This will be an opportunity to have a summer reminder of how we give generously and joyfully because God “loves a cheerful giver.”