Lent & Holy Week at Reveille 2024

Lent, Holy Week, & Easter


Lenten Mission Concert Recording
The Chancel Choir collaborated with local orchestral musicians to perform the Mass in Time of War by Joseph Haydn on March 20. This is the piece that the choir will be singing at Carnegie Hall this June! The Reveille Ringers also performed as part of this Lenten concert. Watch the recording

Prayer Gathering, March 31
On Monday, March 31, at 6:00 pm in the chapel we will host a Prayer Gathering. This will be an informal gathering focused on a time of prayer for our nation, political landscape, and us. All are welcome. For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Peter Moon.

Reveille Ringers at Union Presbyterian Seminary, April 7
On Monday, April 7 at 7:30 pm, our Ringers will collaborate with Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Douglas Brown for an evening of handbell and organ music in their historic Watts Chapel. Doug is the Director of Music and Instructor in Church Music at UPSEM. During this Lenten season, you’re invited to join us for an occasion to reflect on – and celebrate – sacred music from several corners of the world. Union Presbyterian Seminary is located at 3401 Brook Road, Richmond. Directions

Children’s Easter Celebration, April 12
Bring the kids out for an egg hunt, petting zoo, bounce house, crafts, special treats, and more! The event will take place 11:00 am-1:00 pm on the quad behind Reveille. Learn more information and volunteer at the event.

Holy Week

Palm/Passion Sunday and UWF Bake Sale, April 13
Join us for worship at 8:30, 9:30, or 11:00 am, come see the children’s palm procession at 11:00 am. Purchase delicious Easter treats at the United Women in Faith bake sale, 9:00-11:00 am, in the red carpet hallway and welcome center.

Holy Thursday Service, April 17
You are invited to our Holy Thursday service at 7:00 pm in the chapel. Rev. Mandy Young will preach, our CrossPoint ensemble will lead music, and Holy Communion will be offered. Child care for children ages 3 months to 6 years will be available in room 102.

Good Friday Service, April 18
Experience Jesus’ journey to the cross as found in Matthew’s Gospel. The service will be in the manner of Tenebrae, with music led by our Chancel Choir. The service will take place at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary and will also be livestreamed. Child care for children ages 3 months to 6 years will be available in room 102.

Easter Sunday, April 20
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with Holy Communion, triumphant worship music, and an inspirational message of hope. Bring flowers to adorn the cross in front of Reveille.

  • 6:30 am, Easter Sunrise Service with Richmond area United Methodist Churches and the message delivered by Rev. Bayo Ogungbade at Hollywood Cemetery in the Palmer Chapel Mausoleum overlooking the James River. If you’d like to join a group taking Reveille’s bus to the service, please sign up here.
  • 8:15 am, sanctuary
  • 9:30 am, fellowship hall
  • 11:00 am, sanctuary, livestream

Child care for children ages 3 months to 6 years will be available in room 102 for all services, except 6:30 am. Sunday school classes and afternoon activities will not meet on Easter.

Lenten Giving

Support U.S. Disaster Recovery Through the Lenten Offering
This year’s Lenten offering supports UMCOR’s U.S. Disaster Response and Recovery, including recovery efforts for the recent California fires. Make a donation online here. To donate by cash or check, please be sure to note “UMCOR Lenten Offering” on your check memo or offering envelope.

Easter Flower Dedications
You can make a dedication in honor or memory of a loved one and help beautify our church’s worship spaces on Easter Sunday. To have your dedication included in the Easter flower gift listing on Sunday, April 20, place your order online here by April 7. You may also complete and return a paper form with your donation by mail or in the offering plate no later than April 6. Forms are available at the worship check-in tables or from the church office. The suggested donation per dedication is $20.

Prayer and Worship

The Forty Day Prayer Challenge through April 19
During the season of Lent, we are inviting you to grow in your connection to God and make prayer part of each day. One way to engage more deeply with each week’s service, read scripture, and develop regular prayer practices is to sign up for our daily devotional email. You can also pick up a printed copy at the worship check-in tables.

Lenten Series and Prayer Challenge: “Prayers of Jesus”
This series is part of a 2025 church-wide emphasis centering on prayer. Each week, we will focus on the prayers and prayer style of Jesus as he made his way to the cross and resurrection. We will also offer a time of prayer in worship services and opportunities for candle lighting.

  • March 9 “A 40 Day Challenge,” Luke 4:1-13, Rev. Stephen Coleman
  • March 16 “Teach Us to Pray,” Matthew 6:5-15. Rev. Dr. Peter Moon
  • March 23 “Hungry Prayers,” Matthew 9:35-38, Rev. Dr. Peter Moon
  • March 30 “Between a Rock and a Hard Place,” John 17:20-26, Rev. Bayo Ogungbade
  • April 6, “Prayers That Are Heard,” Luke 18:9-14, Rev. Dr. Peter Moon
  • April 13, “Prayers from the Cross,” Passion Reading from Luke, Rev. Dr. Peter Moon