Christmas Eve at Reveille


Please join us for our afternoon and evening services.  You can watch a livestream of our 5:30 pm service below.

3:30 pm Children’s Christmas Pageant
Participate in a pageant with music from our Children’s Choirs and Children’s Handbells inside Reveille’s fellowship hall. All children in attendance will have the opportunity to be part of the pageant! Child care is not available since this is an all-ages service.

5:30 pm Lessons and Carols Service
You are invited to sing your favorite Christmas carols and experience music from our Christmas Choir, Instrumental Ensemble, and Youth Handbells. This candlelight service takes place in the sanctuary and will also be livestreamed below on this page. Child care is available in room 102.

7:30 pm Christmas Eve in the Chapel
Join us for a beautiful candlelight service in our chapel. This blended service features music by Reveille’s CrossPoint musicians, Holy Communion, and a sermon from Rev. Dr. Peter Moon. Child care is not available.

11:00 pm Traditional Candlelight Service
Our final service of the night will be filled with beautiful liturgy, a sermon from Rev. Dr. Peter Moon, Holy Communion, music by harpist Anastasia Jellison and our Christmas Choir, and the tradition of lighting candles together as we welcome Christmas morning. This service takes place in the sanctuary. Child care is not available.