This Sunday at Reveille

Sunday Services, 8:30 am (chapel), 9:30 am (fellowship hall) and 11:00 am (sanctuary, livestream)
Come for Sunday afternoon programs for children, youth, and adults. View schedule
Watch Services | Listen to Podcast | Weekly Scripture Guide (GPS)
We are at 4200 Cary Street Road near Carytown in RVA!
We welcome all people to follow Jesus Christ and serve together as a hub of faith, hope, and action.



Sunday Worship Services

8:30 am, chapel
9:30 am, fellowship hall
11:00 am, sanctuary, livestream
9:30 am Sunday school classes
View our full Sunday schedule

Prison Justice Programs on March 26 and April 2

March 26 and April 2
You are invited to this partner church program on prison justice with Rev. Rodney Hunter and Pastor Jay Scruggs. RSVP

Help with Stories and Lunch at the Pace Center

April 9, 11:00 am
Help with us host a lunch for students as we come together for a meal, storytelling, and fellowship. RSVP

Come to the Children's Easter Celebration

April 12, 11:00 am
Bring the kids out for an egg hunt, petting zoo, bounce house, crafts, special treats, and more! Details



Our friends in Reveille's ministry that supports United Methodist Family Services dropped off lots of delicious bundt cakes for Social Worker Appreciation Week! Special thanks to Leigh Anne Ross and the Journey Sunday School class for writing notes of appreciation that were included with the cakes.

#socialworkerappreciationweek @umfs_virginia #socialworkersmatter #unitedmethodistchurch
Many talented musicians came together to offer our Lenten Mission Concert this week! The Chancel Choir collaborated with local orchestral musicians to perform the Mass in Time of War (“Paukenmesse”) by Joseph Haydn. Featured performers included Keely Borland (soprano), Brittany Brooks (mezzo-soprano), Aaron Todd (tenor), Aiden Collawn (bass-baritone), and Lamon Lawhorn (timpani). The Reveille Ringers also performed “Festival Sanctus” by Cathy Moklebust as part of this Lenten concert. Watch the concert now:
Watch last night's incredible Lenten Mission Concert, join us for the Third Sunday in Lent, and sign up for the Prison Justice Study, all inside our Friday newsletter:

#unitedmethodistchurch #concert #livemusic #classicalmusic #benefitconcert #lent
Happy first day of spring! Our friends in the United Women in Faith Susanna Wesley Circle made beautiful flower arrangements inspired by art at their monthly gathering. Learn more about participating in one of our circles at

#UnitedWomeninFaith #rvawomen #womensgroup #flowerarranging #springflowers
We invite you to the Lenten Mission Concert this Thursday at Reveille UMC, featuring our Chancel Choir and local musicians performing Joseph Haydn's Mass in Time of War. This concert supports UMCOR's U.S. Disaster Response and Recovery efforts. A reception will follow the concert. Learn more:

#rvamusic #livemusic #benefitconcert #classicalmusic #rvaconcert #unitedmethodistchurch
During Sunday's 8:30 am worship service, we were blessed to have three new members become part of our Reveille family! Join us in welcoming Ericka Davis, Gary Mears, and Lisa Mears.

#churchfamily #newchurchmembers #unitedmethodistchurch
Watch yesterday's service with the sermon "Teach Us to Pray" and make plans to attend Thursday's Lenten Mission Concert!
Our youth always have the best time on Sunday afternoons! Here they are playing towel tail chaser together last weekend. New youth are always welcome to join us for youth group and youth music!

#youthgroup #youthministry #rvateens #unitedmethodistchurch
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to deliver a huge supply of food to the Koinonia Community Church pantry, helping feed our neighbors in need! Our friends in the Vibrant Life Ministries young adult group and Reveille's Swansboro Ministry helped pack and deliver our donations. 

#FoodDrive #feedrva #feedourneighbors #unitedmethodistchurch #FoodInsecurityAwareness
The Monument Avenue 10k takes place in less than a month on Saturday, April 12, and we invite you to join Reveille’s Massey Challenge Moving with the Spirit Team! The team is open to everyone, not just race participants, and funds raised will support cancer research at VCU Massey Cancer Center. Join the team, set up your donor page, and help the team receive a $5,000 matched donation! All team participants will also be invited to a fun porch party on race day! You do not have to walk or run to participate. Join us today!

#MasseyChallenge  #teammassey #fightcancer #cancerresearch #masseycomprehensivecancercenter #monumentave10k